ChangeBridge Services
ChangeBridge R&D

CEO of Accendi Learning, Manuel leads or provides ChangeBridge-based engagements with eLearning, Content Development, Profiling, Analytics, Solution Design, Facilitation, Training, Presenting, and Talent Engagement.also encompassing the collaboration of Accendi solution partners below.
Founder and Principal of Archestra Research and the designer of the ChangeBridge enablement framework, Malcolm leads solution methodology design for ChangeBridge engagements with Strategy, Knowledge Management, Content Development, and Analytics.
Service Partners
The Predictive Index (PI) offers professionals and leaders the ability to tap into people science, data, and strategy in order to improve their hiring capabilities and choices when it comes to making a strong team, work culture, and reaching business milestones.
Research-based corporate soft skills training programs that promote SOCIAL STYLE, Resilience, Agility, and Emotional Intelligence.
About ChangeBridge
Managed change efforts all too frequently are deemed to have "failed", because their outcomes do not align with the priority of needs - the value in demand - at the time of the evaluation. This happens most often because of the way change is produced by management.
ChangeBridge is a management framework and solution method developed jointly by Accendi Learning and Archestra Research, for collaborative breakthroughs in problems inhibiting change.
ChangeBridge helps organizations develop the combined ecosystem and management perspective that is prerequisite to successful change and to the always-on competency for targeting relevance and value.
Manuel Miranda of Accendi Learning and Malcolm Ryder of Archestra Research manage the ongoing development and implementation of the ChangeBridge methodology and its knowledge transfer to the client. Their work on ChangeBridge covers each individual client's design and incorporation of both its existing and new resources in the new management perspective on sustainable on-demand change.
With national and international experience across multiple industries in both for-profit and non-profit enterprises, the ChangeBridge partnership has extensive expertise in people, product, strategy and organizational initiatives involving change management for business recovery, growth, and innovation.